The French and Idian War, also known as the 7 Year War, is thought of as the first World War. This war involved the Spanish, French, and British. This war began because of disagreements between the French and the British about land in the Americas. The war was started when the governor of Virginia
ordered George Washington to lead troops into the Ohio area, which was French
territory. However, George Washington was
forced to surrender as France joined
forces with Spain. England many acts which included the Stamp Act, the Sugar Act,
the Quartering Act, and the Proclamation of 1763. The colonists did not like these taxes. In 1768, two British regiments killed /or wounded eleven
citizens. In 1775, colonists dressed as Native
Americans dumped all of the tea from a British cargo ship full of tea, at Boston Portinto, into the Harbor. This is know as and called the Boston Tea Party. The British parliament was much more than angery; therefore, they passed the Quebec Act and closed Boston’s port for a good while.
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