Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ch 35 outline

Ch 35
The Allies Trade Space for Time
--->America's task of WWII was far more complex and hard than during WWI
--->It had to feed, clothe, and transport its forces to far away regions
---> It also had to send a vast amount of food and munitions to its allies, who stretched all the way from Australia to the USSR

The Shock of War
--->American Communists had denounced the Anglo-French war before Hitler attacked Stalin in 1941, but after Pearl Harbor, they clamored for war against the axis powers
--->Unlike WWI, when the patriotism of millions of immigrants was questioned, WWII actually sped the assimilation of many ethnic groups into American society
--->In the Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. U.S. (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the concentration camps
--->Many programs of the once-popular New Deal were wiped out-including the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration, and the National Youth Administration
---> President Roosevelt declared in 1943 that the New Deal reform era was over.

Building the War Machine
--->The lingering Great Depression was brought to an end with the massive military orders.
---> Orchestrated by the War Production Board (WPB), American factories produced an enormous amount of weaponry, such as guns and planes
--->The government imposed a national speed limit and gasoline rationing as America's lifeline of natural rubber from British Malaysia and the Dutch East Indies was broken
--->In 1942, a sharp inflationary surge occurred as a result of full employment and scarce consumer goods
---> The Office of Price Administration (OPA) eventually brought the ascending prices down
--->The War Labor Board (WLB) imposed ceilings on wage increases
--->in June 1943,Congress passed the Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act
--->It authorized the federal government to seize and operate tied-up businesses

Manpower and Womanpower
---> In 1942, an agreement with Mexico brought thousands of Mexican agricultural workers, called braceros, to America to harvest the fruit and grain crops of the West
--->The armed services enlisted nearly 216,000 women in WWII
--->Most commonly known were the WAACs (army), WAVES (navy), and SPARs (Coast Guard)
--->The immediate post-war period witnessed not a permanent widening of women's employment opportunities, but a widespread rush into suburban domesticity and the mothering of the "baby boomers"

Wartime Migrations
--->1.6 million blacks left the South to seek jobs in the war plants of the West and North
---> Black leader A. Philip Randolph, head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, threatened a massive "Negro March on Washington" in 1941 to demand equal opportunities for blacks in war jobs and in the armed forces
---> Roosevelt established the Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) to monitor compliance with his executive order forbidding discrimination in defense industries
--->During WWII, FDR gave the South a disproportionate share of defense contracts in order to fix the economic crisis of the South
--->In 1944, the advent of the mechanical cotton picker made the Cotton South's need for cheap labor disappear
--->Some 25,000 Native Americans served in the armed forces

Holding the Home Front
--->By war's end, much of the world was in ruins, but in America, the war-stimulated economy was booming.
--->The hand of government touched more American lives more intimately during the war than every before; every household felt the constraints of the rationing system
--->Following the war, the national debt rose from $49 billion in 1941 to $259 billion in 1945

The Rising Sun in the Pacific
--->Simultaneously with the assault on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese launched attacks on various Far Eastern strongholds, including the American outposts of Guam, Wake, and the Philippines
--->In the Philippines, American forces, led by General MacArthur, held out against the invading Japanese force for 5 months
---> The America troops surrendered on April 9, 1942
--->The island fortress of Corregidor held out until it surrendered on May 6, 1942, giving the Japanese complete control of the Philippines

Japan's High Tide at Midway
--->In May 1942, a crucial naval battle was fought in the Coral Sea
--->On June 3-6, 1942, a naval battle of extreme importance to both the Japanese and the Americans was fought near Midway
---> Admiral Chester W. Nimitz directed a smaller but skillfully maneuvered carrier force, under Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, against the powerful invading Japanese fleet

American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo
--->In August 1942, American forces gained a foothold on Guadalcanal Island, the Solomon Islands, in an attempt to protect the lifeline from America to Australia through the Southwest Pacific
--->the Japanese troops evacuated Guadalcanal in February 1943
--->The U.S. Navy had been "leapfrogging" the Japanese-held islands in the Pacific
---> Success came to the United States as Admiral Chester Nimitz coordinated the efforts of naval, air, and ground units
--->Saipan Island, Tinian Island, and the major islands of the Marianas fell to U.S. attackers in July and August 1944

The Allied Halting of Hitler
--->Hitler had entered the war with a strong, ultramodern fleet of submarine U-Boats
--->The turning point in the land-air war against Hitler came in late 1942
---> In October 1942, British general Bernard Montgomery delivered a withering attack on El Alamein
--->In September 1942, the Soviets repelled Hitler's attack on Stalingrad, capturing thousands of German soldiers

A Second Front from North Africa to Rome
--->Many Americans, including President Roosevelt, wanted to begin a diversionary invasion of France in 1942 or 1943
--->British military planners, fearing a possible disaster, preferred to attack Hitler through the "soft underbelly" of the Mediterranean
--->Led by American general, Dwight D. Eisenhower, an assault on French-held North Africa was launched in November 1942
--->At Casablanca, President Roosevelt met with Winston Churchill in January 1943
--->After the success of Africa, Allied forces captured Sicily in August 1943
---> In September 1943, Italy surrendered unconditionally and Mussolini was overthrown
--->Rome was taken on June 4, 1944.  On May 2, 1945, thousands of axis troops in Italy surrendered and became prisoners of war

D-Day: June 6, 1944
--->President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Stalin met in Teheran, Iran from November 28th to December 1st to coordinate a second front
--->Because the United States was to provide the most Allied troops for the invasion of Europe, American General Eisenhower was given command
--->French Normandy was chosen for the point for invasion due to the fact that it was less heavily defended than other parts of the European cost
---> On D-Day, June 6, 1944, the enormous operation took place
--->General George S. Patton led armored divisions across France extremely fast and efficiently
--->Paris was liberated in August 1944.

FDR: The Fourth-Termite of 1944
--->For the election of 1944, the Republicans nominated Thomas E. Dewey for the presidency and isolationist Senator, John W. Bricker for the vice presidency
--_>The Democrats nominated Roosevelt for the presidency and, after dispute of trust with current vice president Henry A. Wallace, Senator Harry S Truman was chosen for the vice presidency.

Roosevelt Defeats Dewey
--->Roosevelt won a sweeping majority of the votes in the Electoral College and was reelected

The Last Days of Hitler
--->On December 16, 1944, Hitler threw all of his forces against the thinly held American lines in the Ardennes Forest
--->Brigadier General A. C. McAuliffe led the Battle of the Bulge
--->In April 1945, General Eisenhower's troops reached the Elbe River, finding the concentration camps where the Nazis had murdered over 6 million Jews
--->The Soviets reached and captured Berlin in April 1945
---> Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945
--->On April 12, 1945, President Roosevelt died suddenly from a brain hemorrhage
---> Harry S Truman took over the presidency
--->n May 7, 1945, the German government surrendered unconditionally

Japan Dies Hard
--->After the conquest of New Guinea, General MacArthur returned to the Philippines, en route to Japan, with 600 ships and 250,000 troops
---> In Leyte Gulf, a series of 3 battles took place from October 23-26, 1944, knocking out Japan's massive and powerful navy

The Atomic Bombs
--->The Potsdam conference near Berlin in 1945 sounded the death of the Japanese
--->On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was detonated
--->With the Japanese still refusing to surrender, the first of 2 atomic bombs was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
---> On August 8, Stalin invaded the Japanese defenses of Manchuria and Korea
--->After the Japanese still refused to surrender, the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9
--->On August 10, 1945, Tokyo surrendered under the condition that Hirohito be allowed to remain the emperor
---> formal end to the war came on September 2, 1945

The Allies Triumphant
--->American forces suffered some 1 million casualties in WWII, while the Soviet Union suffered nearly 20 million

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